吳梓寧,《穀雨THE RAINFALL OF RICE》,影像裝置,2013。


Food safety issues leap to Taiwan media press recently, and other incidents such as dishonest manufacturers mix large proportion of low quality imported rice into local rice as counterfeit of high quality products. This is the motivation of the artist to create this work. She use the video of beautiful rice paddies taken near by her house in Taitung as material. Intendedly she makes the video flipping upside down to show a interpretation of harvest festivals belong to the land. Through flipping upside down, the fertile soil turns into rain clouds like images, and then the rain pouring down as rainfall of rice. The images of rice fall down and gradually form an accumulation of a word in Chinese which means “The Land/The Earth”. The artist wish the audience will think about the issuse of “The Land Justice” or the recent dishonor case of agricultural products. The manufacturers should show more respect to the hard workers and their harvest results, not destroy reputation of Taiwan products.This work shows tears of the land, it proposed no longer silence of cautionary and protest. It also responses and reminds us that there are still more ongoing land destroying cases in this country. It is time to slowdown and think about the meaning of “advance” beyond the hype of house prices and the rapid expansion of science parks under development and urban renewal plans. We probably need another kind of progressive thinking, and return to contemplation of the mother earth.